Showing posts with label kidney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kidney. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Seven Instructions for Guarding Against Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones
What you eat and drink isn’t the only things that decide whether you’ll get kidney stones

1. Drink plenty of water and other fluids.
It’s first on the list for a reason -- Water dilutes urine and flushes away mineral-like materials that could possibly turn into stones.
2. Coffee and tea are fine if they help increase your fluid intake. Beer and alcohol are OK, too, in moderation. But avoid dark colas and grapefruit juice if you are prone to kidney stones.

3. Keep track of sodium and keep it under the U.S. recommended daily allowance (RDA) of 2,400 mg. Check labels on hot dogs, canned soups and vegetables, processed frozen foods and luncheon meats.
4. Don’t overdo it on meat, fish, eggs and organ meats like liver because of their effect on the chemical makeup of urine that’s conducive to stone formation.
5. Follow your health care practitioner’s recommendations for the calcium you need for your age. If you’re supplementing calcium in your diet with a pill or powder, be sure to take the supplement with meals.

Postmenopausal women should be aware that calcium supplements were shown to increase the risk of kidney stones by 20 percent in a recent Harvard University-based Nurses’ Health Study. Consider non-fat dairy products, leafy green vegetables and salmon instead.
6. Limit intake of spinach, rhubarb, beets, chocolate, nuts and wheat bran, which have been shown to contribute to a kind of stone called calcium oxalate. But you don’t necessarily need to eliminate these foods from your diet -- they have too many beneficial properties to do that.

7. Get advice from your doctor before taking vitamin C or D supplements as they can contribute to stone formation.

Beyond these guidelines, consider that your weight, environment, heredity and general health are also factors to potentially develop the condition.
Healthy Soup

Alternative Health News

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Problem with kidney stones-Best food to eat

What are causes for kidney problems ?

Kidney stones (Renal Calculi) are common cause of
blood in the urine.A kidney stone is a hard ,crystalline mineral material
formed with in the kidney or urinary tract.
Lack of enough water is the main cause of kidney stones.Kidney stones are normally observed in people who drink less water.Kidney stones can be observed in men and women.Most commonly between the ages 30 and 50.Family history is also one of the common cause.Certain medications will also leads to kidney stones.
People who take antacids and thus after the PH of the urine are also at higher risk of getting kidney stones since altering the PH of urine causes precipitation of the minerals.

Symptoms of Kidney stones.
* Sever pain in lower abdomen area.
* Some times lower back pain.
* Pain in the flanks.
* Some times blood in the urine.
* Vomiting sensation.
* Fever accomplished with chills is most probably because of Kidney stones.

Home remedies for Kidney stones

Drink more water
As we have discussed earlier lack of drinking enough water is one of the major cause for kidney stones,drink more water through out the day.

Coconut water
Drink coconut water regularly.It will help to break the stones and make them pass out.

Avoid oily food
Avoid oily ,fried ,Protein rich food.
Avoid Milk Products

Avoid excess milk and milk related products.As milk products are rich in protein they may be the cause for kidney stones.

Take vitamin A food rich

Vitamin A helps to strengthen urinary system and helps to prevent formation of kidney stones.
Eat Fruits

Fruits like Apple and Water melon are beneficial for kidney stones.

Make a soup with one cup of pomegranate seeds and 2 cups of horse gram and drink it.

Orange Juice is also helpful in treating the disease of kidney stones.

Avoid Alcohol and carbonated beverages.

Take Tomato juice in the morning.

Take Lady fingers and Radish.They are very much helpful in curing the problem.

Limit your sodium(Salt) consumption.There is correlation between sodium consumption and salt intake.

Avoid oxalate rich food.Example:Beans ,Chocolate ,Green peppers,Spinach.

Regular intake of Celery will prevent kidney stones.

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Vegetarian diet good for kidneys

vegetarian for kidney health
A NEW study has suggested that sticking to a vegetarian diet can help kidney disease patients avoid accumulating toxic levels of phosphorous in their bodies. Kidney disease patients must limit their phosphorous intake, as high levels of the mineral can lead to heart disease and death.

While medical guidelines recommend low phosphorus diets for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), phosphorus content is not listed on food labels. Sharon Moe (Indiana University School of Medicine and Roudebush Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center) and her colleagues studied the effects of vegetarian and meat-based diets on phosphorous levels in nine patients with CKD. Patients followed a vegetarian or meat-based diet for one week, followed by the opposite diet two-to four- weeks later. Blood and urine tests were performed at the end of each week on both diets. Despite equivalent protein and phosphorus concentrations in the two diets, patients had lower blood phosphorus levels and decreased phosphorus excretion in the urine when they were on the vegetarian diet compared with the meat-based diet. The authors concluded that their study demonstrates that the source of protein in the diet has a significant effect on phosphorus levels in patients with CKD. Meanwhile a new study shows that eating low-fat vegan diet may be better at managing type 2 diabetes than traditional diets.

Researchers found 43 percent of people with type 2 diabetes who followed a low-fat vegan diet for 22 weeks reduced their need to take medications to manage their disease compared with 26 percent of those who followed the diet recommended by the American Diabetes Association (ADA). In addition, participants who followed the vegan diet experienced greater reductions in cholesterol levels and weight loss than those on the other diet.

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Are you Taking Care of Your Kidneys?

If you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with kidney disease, you might be interested in a webpage that outlines “10 things you can do to protect your kidneys." This was created by the National Kidney Disease Education Program for National Kidney Month, which happens every year in March.

What is kidney disease all about? That’s explained in Number 6 on the list, where experts said that a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease means that your two kidneys aren’t filtering blood like they should, which can cause wastes to build up in your body. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common causes of chronic kidney disease. The condition always sets off alarms because kidney disease can lead to heart disease, and vice versa.

More than 20 million adults have chronic kidney disease and an estimated 16.3 million -- or roughly 7 percent of adults — have heart disease. And over 7.1 million people have both, according to a media release from the National Institutes of Health. Patients whose kidneys fail must face dialysis or a kidney transplant.

The site includes a downloadable brochure as well as a chart that you can take with you to your health care practitioner whenever it’s time to track your blood pressure, your glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and the presence of albumin -- common measures for how well your kidneys are filtering wastes.

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